
Archive for August, 2011

Organic, Green and Kosher?

Nestled in the foothills of the southern Berkshires, in the northwest corner of Connecticut in Falls Village, is the Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center.  It is an oasis of pristine beauty just a mere few hours from hustle bustle of major city life in New York and Boston. So what makes this retreat center different than all other retreat centers?  Surely other facilities have gardens and grow their own food, but what’s a unique here is the Adamah fellowship.

This intensive 3-month program takes a select group of young Jewish 20-somethings, immerses them into organic gardening culture and sustainable living, mixes in concrete Judaic values and then disperses them back to their respective home towns to help infuse their newfound skills into the community. These are the very types of programs that have a ripple effect and will take us into, and perhaps save us, in the not so distant future.

Organic, green and kosher, now how much more pure and divine can you get? Check it out http://isabellafreedman.org/adamah/fellowship

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